“Game of Rogues” is an American medieval vigilante television series. It is an adaptation of “The Devil in the Pale Moonlight,” one of a series of novels following the world’s greatest detective as he attempts to apprehend an assortment of colorful rogues.
Game of Rogues
“Game of Rogues” by Timothy Lim aka ninjaink
“Game of Rogues” is an American medieval vigilante television series. It is an adaptation of “The Devil in the Pale Moonlight,” one of a series of novels following the world’s greatest detective as he attempts to apprehend an assortment of colorful rogues.
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Artist: Ninjaink
Cut: men, women
Color: black
Merchant: NeatoShop
Tags: Batman, comic, comics, DC Comics, film, Game of Thrones, movies, Ninjaink, super hero, The Dark Knight, Timothy Lim, tv show
#batman #comic #comics #dccomics #film #gameofthrones #movies #ninjaink #superhero #thedarkknight #timothylim #tvshow
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