“Statue of Cookie Tee” by Stanwillis
Give me your tired, your poor, your crumbled cookies — so hungered I be; the wretched last morsel off your dining room floor. Send these, rainless, sprinkle-topped to me. I lift my milk glass, my tummy wants more.
Cut: men, women
Color: blue, light blue
Merchant: Shirt.Woot
Tags: Cookie Monster, Sesame Street, Stanwillis, Statue of Liberty
#cookiemonster #sesamestreet #stanwillis #statueofliberty
Statue of Cookie Tee
“Statue of Cookie Tee” by Stanwillis
Give me your tired, your poor, your crumbled cookies — so hungered I be; the wretched last morsel off your dining room floor. Send these, rainless, sprinkle-topped to me. I lift my milk glass, my tummy wants more.
Buy at Shirt.Woot
purchases made through these links.
▼ Get lost down the Shirt-hole ▼
Buy at Shirt.Woot
Cut: men, women
Color: blue, light blue
Merchant: Shirt.Woot
Tags: Cookie Monster, Sesame Street, Stanwillis, Statue of Liberty
#cookiemonster #sesamestreet #stanwillis #statueofliberty
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